Loan Portal Registration

Loan Portal Registration

Frequently Asked Questions

How Can I Register for the Travel Loan Customer Portal?

Complete the following form to register for the Travel Loan website: 

Loan Portal Request 

Once the form is completed, we will send an activation email with your username and a link to change your password.

What will the activation email look like?

The activation email will have a subject line Your activation email:  Welcome to Magentrix! and will contain your username and a link to change your password.


Dear [NAME]

A login has been created for you.

Username: [email address provided on form]

Please login to the system via [provided link] and change your password as soon as possible.

Thank you

Global Refuge Portal Team

Can I register for multiple case number with the same email?

No.  Each loan account requires a unique email.

How long will it take to get a response after I submit by registration form?

We will send you a sign-up link within 2 business days.  If you have not received this link, please contact us.

The Loans Services Team is available Monday-Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Eastern Time.

Be sure to include your case number in all correspondence, or have it available when you call. You can find your case number on your statement.





Global Refuge Loan Services
 700 Light Street
 Baltimore MD 21230

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