Partner With Us


Over the years, Global Refuge has established a diverse community of  partners and affiliated groups who join together to support refugees and migrants across the United States. With funding and technical support from Global Refuge, our local partners help refugees put down roots in new communities and assist vulnerable migrants with legal and practical needs. Thank you for your interest in becoming a part of our network of welcome. 

In order to determine how to best partner with Global Refuge, please explore the different options below. Each link will give instructions on next steps.

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VIDEO: Who are refugees & how do they arrive in the United States?:

Global Refuge Overview & Programs:


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Already partnered with us? Log in and visit the Reception and Placement page for more resources or email for access.

Check out this video to learn more about what you can do as a Global Refuge partner!

Community Partnerships Team

Photo of Allison CheatleOffline

Allison Cheatle

Photo of Bianca NelsonOffline

Bianca Nelson

Photo of SJ McDonaldOffline

SJ McDonald

Photo of Emal HosamOffline

Emal Hosam

While considering your partnership opportunities, keep in mind the following questions:

  • What brings me to this work?
  • What kind of capacity do I or my group have?
  • What am I hoping to get out of this partnership?

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