
Affiliate Partnerships

Global Refuge partners with local affiliates who, through collaboration with the Department of State's Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM), ensure necessary resettlement services are provided. 

How does it work? 

In the United States, there are nine national resettlement agencies who facilitate the reception, placement, and service provision for refugees and asylees. Global Refuge, as one of the nine, partners with local affiliate offices who are connected to their communities. We work together to determine the best placement for refugees by taking into account community capacity (affordable and safe housing, school, medical care, and employment opportunities).  All Global Refuge affiliates are part of robust human service organizations that broaden the support to refugees resettled in each community where Global Refuge is represented.

My organization is interested in becoming an affiliate. What steps should we take? 

Email for access to resources and instructions on how to proceed!

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