November 9, 2020
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About 36,000 Legal Immigrants in Florida Could Not Vote, Watchdog Group Says
Jesse Caneles, Bay News
About 300,000 legal immigrants — including about 36,000 from Florida — weren’t able to become United States citizens in time to vote in this election, according to Boundless, an immigration watchdog organization. A stricter vetting process and the coronavirus pandemic resulted in longer wait times, Boundless indicated.
Fed. Labor Panel Busts Immigration Judges' Union
Braden Campbell, Law360
The Federal Labor Relations Authority has affirmed the Trump administration's bid to dismantle the union representing the judges who decide disputes over immigrants' legal status, saying these fact-finders are union-ineligible managers. A 2-1 FLRA majority said Monday that immigration judges are managers because their decisions set policy for the U.S. Department of Justice's Executive Office for Immigration Review, reversing a 2000 agency ruling preserving the National Association of Immigration Judges and ordering that the union be dissolved.
She came to the U.S. from Mexico 44 years ago. On Tuesday, she voted for the first time.
The Washington Post
At a refugee camp at the U.S.-Mexico border, prospective migrants hope for a Biden win.
The New York Times
Asylum Is Dead. The Myth of American Decency Died With It.
Mother Jones
I Joined America at Its Worst
The Atlantic
Think You’re Tense? Try Being A DACA Recipient Watching Election Night.
BuzzFeed News
New citizens, former convicts and the formerly apathetic: ‘This year, I wanted to do my part’
Washington Post